b.1977 미국 거주 및 작업
2005 MA Fine Art , Goldsmiths College, University of London 석사
2004 서울대학교 대학원 서양화과 석사
2001 서울대학교 미술대학 서양화과 학사
2024 Fragments of Fantasy : New Perspectives in Landscape, 선화랑, 서울
2021 MOUNTAINOUS, UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), 유타
2020 Two Mountains and a Swimming Pool, 온라인 전시, OPENART Advisory + Projects
2019 On the Road Again, 자하미술관, 서울
2019 Splash!, KSD갤러리, 서울
2019 SEASONS, 갤러리 치유 (서울대학교 치과병원)
2015 KANGYUJIN. 두산갤러리, 뉴욕
2012 Finding Landscapes, 갤러리 선 컨템포러리, 서울
2011 Into Europe, Gallery Resy Muijers, Tilburg, 네덜란드
2009 Memories and Visions, 갤러리 선 컨템포러리, 서울
2009 Buildings, sky and water; Man-made landscapes, 영은 아티스트 릴레이전, 영은미술관, 경기
2007 Gallery, 갤러리 선 컨템포러리, 서울
2006 Between 금호미술관,서울
2004 크고 작은 풍경들, 갤러리미음, 서울
2004 Plane Landscape, 갤러리 가이아, 서울
2004 Transcape, 신세계갤러리 기획초대전 공모 선정작가전
2003 강유진전 cafe imA, 일민미술관
2025 Winter Masterpieces, 선화랑, 서울
2024 Winter Masterpieces, 선화랑, 서울
2023 Winter Masterpieces, 선화랑, 서울
2021 Winter Masterpieces, 선화랑, 서울
2020 Winter Masterpieces, 선화랑, 서울
2019 금호 영아티스트:16번의 태양과 69개의 눈, 금호미술관, 서울
2018 빛무리 제 7회 개인 부스전, 평택 남부 문예회관 전시실, 평택
2018 그림, 신여성을 읽다, 교보아트스페이스, 서울
2013 부유하는 공간, space k, 광주
2011 No.45 금호 영아티스트전, 금호미술관, 서울
2010 강유진, 김형관, 이준형, 그 문화 갤러리, 서울
2010 면역력전, 자하미술관, 서울
2010 ARCADES PROJECT, 인터알리아, 서울
2009 Space on the Surface, 강유진-이지현전, 두산 갤러리, 서울
2009 SUN Contemporary 0809, 갤러리 선 컨템포러리
2008 SUN Contemporary 0708, 갤러리 선 컨템포러리
2008 Cantilever Left, 갤러리 I-MYU, 런던
2008 Emerging Art Seoul-Berlin, 베를린
2007 The Edge of Sensation Ⅱ- a slight movement, 갤러리 시몬
2007 Black Powder & White Party, 경희대학교 미술관
2007 강유진-전종문전, 호기심에 대한 책임감
2007 NO BOUNDS- Happy Contemporary 2007! , Gallery SUN contemporary
2007 VIEW FROM INSIDE, 한국증권업협회, 서울
2006 Fosterart Winter Exhibition 2006, Fosterart, 런던
2006 More than Words, 서울대학교 우석홀, 서울
2006 Below the Radar, 45 St.John Street, London
2006 YOUNG ARTISTS CROSSING EUROUP 06-07, Gallery Resy Muijers, Tilburg, 네덜란드
2006 Distance & Proximity, the Trafalgar, 런던
2006 INTERSECTION 1, Gallery Resy Muijers, Tilburg, 네덜란드
2006 STILL DYNAMICS, Jerwood Space, 런던
2005 일상의 향기, 선화랑
2005 Here & Now, Chinese contemporary, 런던
2003 미술세계대상전, 단원미술관, 안산
2003 2003 우수청년작가 전<새로운 도전과 가능성>, 갤러리 가이아, 서울
2003 서울-파리 교류 전<Entre Seoul et Paris>, 갤러리 보부르, 파리
2002 NOKIA Arts Awards-Asia Pacific 2001, Silpakorn University, 방콕
2002 강유진, 이주연전 갤러리 신라, 대구
2002 <Real'전> 강유진, 이다, KISEBY전-서초조형예술원, 갤러리 구, 서울
2002 Vision21전, 성신여대 미술관, 서울
2001 미술의 향방전 2001, 동덕아트갤러리, 서울
2001 우기기전, gallery helloart, 서울
2001 노키아 아시아태평양 미술대전, 목금토 갤러리, 서울
2001 노키아 아시아태평양 미술대전, 실파콘대학, 방콕
2001 한중국제학생작품교류전, 중앙미술학원 Exhibition Hall at CAFA's New Campus, 북경
2001 제4회 세종 미술대전, 백상 미술기념관, 서울
2006 Celeste Art Prize’ 06 Finalist, 런던
2001 제4회 세종 미술대전 우수상
2001 노키아 아시아태평양 미술대전 지역 파이널리스트
2018 화이트블럭 천안창작촌 5기 입주작가
2008-2010 영은 미술관 7기 입주작가
2008 베를린 레지던시 프로그램 , Emerging Art Seoul-Berlin, Seoul-Berlin Artist Residency Program, LVBG & ORCO-GSG, Berlin
2007-2008 난지 미술 창작스튜디오 2기 입주작가
미술은행(과천)/ 서울시립미술관(서울)/영은미술관(경기도 광주)/금호미술관(서울)
2005 MA Fine Art in Goldsmiths College, University of London, London
2004 M.F.A. Graduate School of Seoul National University, Seoul
2001 B.F.A. College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, Seoul
2024 Fragments of Fantasy : New Perspectives in Landscape, SunGallery, Seoul
2021 MOUNTAINOUS, UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), UTAH
2020 Two Mountains and a Swimming Pool >, Online Solo Exhibition, OPENART Advisory + Projects
2019 On the Road Again, Zaha Museum, Seoul
2019 Splash!, KSD gallery, Seoul
2019 SEASONS, Gallery chi-you (Seoul National University Dental Hospital)
2015 KANGYUJIN, Doosan gallery, New York
2012 Finding Landscapes, Gallery SUN contemporary, Seoul
2011 Into Europe, Gallery Resy Muijers, Tilburg, Netherlands
2009 Memories and Visions, Gallery SUN contemporary, Seoul
2009 Buildings, sky and water; Man-made landscapes
Youngeun Artist Project 2008-2010 Relay Exhibition, Youngeun Museum, Gyeonggi
2007 Gallery, Gallery SUN contemporary, Seoul
2006 Between, Kumho Museum, Seoul
2004 Transcape, Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon
2004 Plane Landscape, Galerie Gaia, Seoul
2004 Giant and Tiny Landscape, Gallery mieum, Seoul
2003 Cafe imA, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul
2021.12-2022.01 <Winter Masterpieces>, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2020.12-2021.01 <Winter Masterpieces>, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2019 <Kumho Young Artist: The 69 Times of Sunrise>, Kumho Museum, Seoul
2018 <The 7th BITMULI Exhibition>, Pyeongtaek Southern Culture & Art Center, Pyeongtaek
2018 <Painting, Reading New Woman> Kyobo Art Space, Seoul
2013 <FLOATING IN SPACE> space k, Gwangju, Korea
2011 No.45 Kumho Young Artist, Kumho Museum, Seoul
2010 <KANG YUJIN, KIM HYUNG GWAN, LEE JOON HYUNG>, geumunhwa gallery, Seoul
2010 <Immunity>, Zaha Museum, Seoul
2010 ARCADES PROJECT, inter alia, Seoul
2009 Space on the Surface, KANG, YUJIN-LEE, JIHYUN, Doosan gallery, Seoul
2009 SUN Contemporary 0809, Gallery SUN contemporary, Seoul
2008 SUN Contemporary 0708, Gallery SUN contemporary, Seoul
2008 Cantilever Left, Gallery I-MYU, London
2008 Emerging Art Seoul-Berlin, Berlin
2007 The Edge of Sensation Ⅱ- a slight movement, Gallery Simon, Seoul
2007 Black Powder & White Party, Art Museum of Kyunghee University, Seoul
2007 Strange Decalcomanie, YUJIN KANG/ JONG-MOON JEON, gallery Curiosity, Seoul
2007 NO BOUNDS- Happy Contemporary 2007! , Gallery SUN contemporary, Seoul
2006 Fosterart Winter Exhibition 2006, Fosterart, London
2006 More than Words, Usuk-hol, Seoul
2006 Below the Radar, At 45 St.John Street, London
2006 YOUNG ARTISTS CROSSING EUROUP 06-07 Tilburg, Netherlands
2006 Distance & Proximity, the Trafalgar, London
2006 INTERSECTION 1, Tilburg, Netherlands
2006 STILL DYNAMICS, Jerwood Space, London
2005 Daily fragrance, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2005 Here & Now, Chinese contemporary, London
2003 Art World Competition, Danwon Art Gallery, Ansan
2003 Young Artists Exhibition- New Challenge & Potentiality, Galerie Gaia, Seoul
2003 Entre Paris et Seoul, Galerie Paris Beaubourg, Paris
2002 NOKIA Arts Awards-Asia Pacific 2001, Silpakorn University, Bangkok
2002 Kang, Yu jin & Lee, Zooyeon, Gallery Shilla, Daegu
2002 REAL'(Dash), Gallery Goo, Seoul
2002 Vision 21, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul
2001 The Direction of Arts 2001, Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul
2001 ‘PERSIST’. Gallery Helloart, Seoul
2001 NOKIA Arts Awards-Asia Pacific 2001, Gallery Thu.Fri.Sat, Seoul
2001 Interchange Exhibition Between Seoul National University And Beijing Central Arts
University, Beijing
2001 Sejong Arts Awards, Baek Sang gallery, Seoul
2006 Celeste Art Prize ‘06 Finalist, London
2004 Kumho Young Artist
2001 Finalist at NOKIA Arts Awards – Asia Pacific
2001 Second Prize at the 4th Sejong Arts Awards by Sejong University
2018 The 5th term of Artists-in-Residence, WHITE BLOCK ART CENTER, Cheonan
2008-2010 The 7th term of Artists-in-Residence,
Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gyeonggi
2008 Emerging Art Seoul-Berlin, Seoul-Berlin Artist Residency Program,
2007-2008 The 2nd term of Artists-in-Residence, Nanji Studio, Seoul
Art Bank-National Museum of Modern and Contemporaty Art (Seoul)
Seoul Museum of Art (Seoul)
Youngeun Museum (Gyeonggi)
Kumho Museum (Seoul)